
Missions Resources

  • Unfinished [0:53]

    Our theme this year focuses on unfinished journeys, unfinished stories, and God’s unfinished mission—the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18–20)—so all may have the opportunity to hear and respond to His invitation.

    Unfinished from The Alliance on Vimeo.

  • Regions Beyond [2:45]

    Our Good Shepherd calls us to join Him on mission—to bring into His fold the remaining 3 billion “sheep” who have not yet had a chance to hear the good news.

    Regions Beyond from The Alliance on Vimeo.

  • Awaken to Kingdom Reality [2:48]

    Jesus’ desire is to awaken us to what it means to live in His Kingdom now so that this Kingdom will come in fullness when He returns.

    Awaken to Kingdom Reality from The Alliance on Vimeo.

  • Peculiar People [3:54]

    Jerry is a veterinarian. He spends most of his waking hours with animals. So why would he want to spend his vacation in dry, dusty, remote African villages surrounded by thousands of sharp-horned cattle? Because Jerry is peculiar. And he can’t escape the reality that he has been given so much. He has to give back. He’s been mandated to bring the good news of Jesus’ great love to those who haven’t heard. And if that means taking worms out of cattle, then that’s the good news he’ll bring!

    Peculiar People from The Alliance on Vimeo.

  • Peculiar People: Overview Theme [31:48]

    Tim Crouch, U.S. C&MA VP for International Ministries, shares this message about how we are called to organize our lives around the Kingdom Jesus established and that while this may seem a “peculiar” way to live, it is actually the wonderful, purposeful way Jesus established for us. This full message can be used to help educate your church’s missions committee, provide thematic content for your missions speaker, or show to your congregation. It can also be used if no international worker is available to speak in your church.

    Peculiar People: Theme Overview from The Alliance on Vimeo.